Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce Directory
This is a directory of Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce, Wisconsin Visitor Bureau and Wisconsin Tourist Websites in Alphabetical order. You can click on the first letter of the Chamber or Tourist Website you are looking for below, or you can page through the entire directory just by clicking on the arrows.
We also have them listed by their Wisconsin County and you can see that directory by clicking on the Wisconsin Chambers by County button below for a directory of Wisconsin Chambers, Visitor Bureaus, etc. listed by their Wisconsin County.
You can see the entire Wisconsin Business Directory main page by clicking on the Wisconsin Business Directory button.
Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce Directory - Alphabetical
Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce - www.kenoshaareachamber.com
600 52nd Street, Kenosha, WI 53140 (262) 654-1234
Kenosha CVB - www.visitkenosha.com
812 56th Street, Kenosha, WI 53140 (262) 654-7307
Kewaunee Area Chamber of Commerce - www.kewaunee.org
308 North Main Street, Kewaunee, WI 54216 (920) 388-4822