Featured Wisconsin Restaurants

Below are Wisconsin Restaurants that are featured on wisconsin.com. They are in alphabetical order and are from all parts of Wisconsin.

If you have a favorite Wisconsin Restaurant that is not listed, contact us or email the information to WIRestaurant.

Please let the Wisconsin Restaurant you found here know you found them in our wisconsin.com Restaurant Directories!

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Baumgartner's Cheese Store and Tavern - Monroe - www.baumgartnercheese.com

One of my earliest childhood memories is sitting at the bar at Baumgartner's with my Dad and Grandfather eating a salami and swiss cheese on rye bread sandwich. I have had many since. This Cheese Store / Tavern / Bar / Restaurant is not only a must stop when in Monroe, it is worth the drive, just to eat there! For the adventure eater, try the Limburger and onion on rye bread sandwich.

Moo Works

Springers of Lake Kegonsa - Stoughton - www.springersonthelake.com

3097 Sunnyside Street, Stoughton, WI 53589 - (608) 205-9300

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Springers of Lake Kegonsa
3097 Sunnyside Street, Stoughton, WI 53589

Springers is our "go-to" Friday Night Fish Fry restaurant. They have great food, nice bar, overlooks the lake and everyone is friendly. Their Friday Night Fish Fry menu has a large assortment of fish, including the standard Wisconsin Fried Cod and Baked Cod. We have a cocktail at the bar, relax by the water view and then have a great meal. It does not get much better than this. Mark

Springers, Stoughton WI - wisconsin.com
Springers, Stoughton WI - wisconsin.com
Springers, Stoughton WI - wisconsin.com
Springers, Stoughton WI - wisconsin.com
Springers, Stoughton WI - wisconsin.com
Springers, Stoughton WI - wisconsin.com
Springers, Stoughton WI - wisconsin.com
Springers, Stoughton WI - wisconsin.com
Springers, Stoughton WI - wisconsin.com

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Updated: April 19, 2022 - Designed & Built in Wisconsin!

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Born: April 13, 1995 - Reborn: September 1, 2017
Designed & Built in Wisconsin!

Made in Wisconsin