wisconsin.com Lodging Business Listing Form
Please fill out all the information. Enter in ALL the information, even if some may not be used for your current listing type. For example; Enter your business address even for the Free listing. This will help if you want to upgrade your listing in the future. We have broken down the listing information into 6 small steps.
- Enter in your basic Wisconsin Business Information.
- Enter in your Contact Information.
- Enter in your Business Mailing Information, if different than your business address.
- Enter in the type of Directory listing you want, your Primary Business Category and your Primary Wisconsin Community you want to be listed in.
- Enter in plan options if you have selected a plan with directory options. This could include any additional Business Categories you want your business listed under (extra cost for each) or any additional Wisconsin Communities you want your business listed under (extra cost for each). If you have selected the Silver or Gold Listing Types, enter in a descriptive sentence about your business.
- Select how you will be paying if required for your Wisconsin Directory Listing Plan. We will be emailing you an invoice unless you paying by check and want a mailed invoice. If you have any comments or notes to send along, enter those in the Comments field.
You will then submit your information to us for processing. If you have selected a plan that requires payment, We will invoice you, once payment has been made, you listing will be added to our Website!
None of this information will be sold.
Thank You!