Wisconsin Unincorporated Directories

On this page you will find links to Wisconsin's 1,514 Unincorporated Communities. They are in Alphabetical order within each of Wisconsin's 72 Counties. Each Unincorporated Community's Informational page include a map, weather information, some demographics about the city, a little history, their Websites and more. If the name is not Blue, then they do not yet have a home page for that community.
We also have links to Wisconsin Counties, Cities, Villages, and the Wisconsin Community Index Directory. Enjoy Wisconsin and have fun!
Wisconsin Unincorporated Community Directories
Listed here in alphabetical order are links to Wisconsin Unincorporated Communities home pages. Each listing will have what Wisconsin County it is located in. If the name is not Blue, then they do not yet have a home page.
- Big Flats
- Big Spring
- Brockside
- Brooks
- Cottonville
- Easton
- Monroe Center
- New Rome
- Plainville
- Rome
- Strongs Prairie
- White Creek
- Ballou
- Birch
- Birch Hill
- Cayuga
- Clam Lake
- Diaperville
- Foster Junction
- Franks Field
- Glidden
- Highbridge
- Holts Landing
- La Pointe
- Marengo
- Middleport
- Minersville
- Morse
- New Odanah
- North York
- Odanah
- Old Fort
- Peeksville
- Penokee
- Petes Landing
- Sanborn
- Sedgwick
- Shanagolden
- White River
- Angus
- Arland
- Brill
- Campia
- Canton
- Comstock
- Dobie
- Graytown (part)
- Hillsdale
- Horseman
- Lehigh
- Mikana
- Poskin
- Reeve
- Summer
- Twin Town
- Tuscobia
- Wickware
- Ashland Junction
- Barksdale
- Bark Point
- Benoit
- Cable
- Cornucopia
- Delta
- Drummond
- Grand View
- Herbster
- Ino
- Iron River
- Lake Owen
- Leonards
- Moquah
- Muskeg
- Namekagon
- Pike River
- Radspur
- Pureair
- Oulu
- Port Wing
- Red Cliff
- Salmo
- Sand Bay
- Sioux
- Sutherland
- Topside
- Wills
- Anston
- Askeaton
- Benderville
- Bay Settlement
- Buckman
- Champion
- Chapel Ridge
- Coppens Corner
- Fontenoy
- Edgewater Beach
- Glenmore
- Henrysville
- Hollandtown
- Humboldt
- Kolb
- Kunesh
- Langes Corners
- Lark
- Little Rapids
- Mill Center
- Morrison
- New Franken
- Pine Grove
- Pittsfield
- Poland
- Red Banks
- Shirley
- Sniderville
- Sugar Bush
- Wayside
- Wequiock
- Bluff Siding
- Cream
- Czechville
- East Winona
- Gilmanton
- Glencoe
- Herold
- Lookout
- Marshland
- Maxville
- Misha Mokwa
- Modena
- Montana
- Praag
- Tell
- Trevino
- Urne
- Waumandee
- Alpha
- Bashaw
- Benson
- Branstad
- Coomer
- Danbury
- Falun
- Four Courners
- Gaslyn
- Hertel
- Lind
- Oakland
- Pole Cat Crossing (partial)
- Randall
- Riverside
- Timberland
- Trade Lake
- Trade River
- Webb Lake
- Woodland Corner
- Yellow Lake
- Brant
- Brothertown
- Calumetville (partial)
- Charlesburg
- Dorns Faro Springs Beach
- Dorns Twilight Beach
- Dundas
- Eckers Lakeland
- Hayton
- Highland Beach
- Jericho
- Kloten
- Maple Heights
- Meggers (partial)
- Quinney
- Rockaway Beach
- St. Anna (partial)
- St. John
- Utowana Beach
- Waverly Beach (partial)
- Wells (partial)
- Albertville
- Anson
- Arnold
- Bateman
- Brownville
- Cobban
- Colburn
- Crescent
- Drywood
- Eagle Point
- Eagleton
- Edson
- Holcombe
- Howard
- Huron
- Jim Falls
- Lake Wissota
- Maple Hill
- Old Albertville
- Pine Grove
- Ruby
- Tilden
- Atwood
- Bright
- Christie
- Clark
- Columbia
- Eadsville
- Eldsvoid
- Globe
- Hemlock
- Junction
- Lombard
- Longwood
- Lynn
- Nevins
- Reseburg
- Riplinger
- Sherwood
- Shortville
- Tioga
- Sidney
- Spokeville
- Veefkind
- Willard
- Anacker
- Belle Fountain
- Dekorra
- Durwards Glen
- East Friesland
- Englewood
- Harmony Grove
- Ingle
- Keyeser
- Leeds
- Leeds Center
- Lewiston
- Lowville
- Marcellon
- North Leeds
- Okee
- Otsego
- Barnum
- Boydtown
- Bridgeport
- Charme
- Easter Rock
- Fairview
- Harmony Hill
- Montgomeryville
- Mount Zion
- North Clayton
- Petersburg
- Pine Knob
- Plugtown
- Reed
- Rising Sun
- Rolling Ground
- Seneca
- Towerville
- White Corners
- Yankeetown
- Albion
- Aldens Corners
- Ashton
- Ashton Corners
- Bakers Corners
- Basco
- Burke
- Daleyville
- Deansville
- Door Creek
- Dunkirk
- East Bristol
- Elvers
- Five Points
- Forward
- Hanerville
- Highwood
- Hillside
- Hoffman Corners
- Hope
- Indian Heights
- Kegonsa
- Kingsley Corners
- Klevenville
- Lake Windsor
- London (partial)
- Lutheran Hill
- Martinsville
- Marxville
- Middleton Junction
- Montrose
- Morrisonville
- Mount Vernon
- Nora
- North Bristol
- Norway Grove
- Old Deerfield
- Paoli
- Pierceville
- Pine Bluff
- Primrose
- Riley
- Roxbury
- Rutland
- Seminary Springs
- Schey Acres
- Springfield Corners
- Stone
- Token Creek
- Utica
- Vermont
- Vilas
- West Middleton
- York Center
- Alderley
- Astico
- Atwater
- Beaver Edge
- Clyman Junction
- lDanville
- Delbern Acres
- East Waupun
- Farmesville
- Fox Lake Junction
- Herman Center
- Huilsburg
- Knowles
- LeRoy
- Leipsig
- Lost Lake
- Lyndon Dale
- Minnesota Junction
- Nasbro
- Neda
- North Lowell
- Oak Grove
- Old Ashippun
- Old Lebanon
- Portland (partial)
- Richwood
- Rolling Prairie
- Rubicon
- Saylesville
- South Beaver Dam
- South Randolph
- Sugar Island
- Sunset Beach
- Woodland
- Baileys Harbor
- Brussels
- Carlsville
- Carnot
- Detroit Harbor
- Ellison Bay
- Fish Creek
- Gills Rock
- Idlewild
- Institute
- Jacksonport
- Juddville
- Kolberg
- Little Sturgeon
- Maplewood
- Namur
- North Bay
- Northport
- Peninsula Center
- Rosiere (partial)
- Rowleys Bay
- Salona
- Shoemaker Point
- Valmy
- Vignes
- Washington
- West Jacksonport
- Whitefish Bay
- Ambridge
- Amnicon Falls
- Anton
- Beebe
- Bellwood
- Bennett
- Black RIver
- Blueberry
- Borea
- Boylston
- Boylston Junction
- Brule
- Carnegie
- Chaffey
- Cloverland
- Cozy Corner
- Cutter
- Dairyland
- Dedham
- Dewey
- Dobie
- Four Corners
- Foxboro
- Hawthorne
- Hillcrest
- Hines
- Gordon
- Maple
- Middle River
- Moose Junction
- Parkland
- Patzau
- Peyton
- Pokegama
- Riverview
- Rockmont
- Saunders
- Sauntry
- South Itasca
- South Range
- Sunnyside
- Waino
- Wascott
- Wentworth
- Winneboujou
- Baxter
- Caryville
- Cedar Falls
- Comfort
- Connorsville
- Downsville
- Dunnville
- Eau Galle
- Falls City
- Graytown (partial)
- Hatchville (partial)
- Irvington
- Meridean
- Norton
- Red Cedar
- Rock Falls
- Rusk
- Sand Creek
- Tainter Lake
- Weston
- Allen
- Brackett
- Candy Corners
- CLeghorn
- Foster
- Hadleyville
- Hale Corner
- Hay Creek
- Ludington
- Lufkin
- Mount Hope Corners
- Nelsonville
- Oak Grove
- Porters Mills
- Rodell
- Seymour
- Shawtown
- Truax
- Union
- Wilson
- Aurora
- Commonwealth
- Fence
- Fern
- Florence (County Seat)
- Hematite
- Long Lake
- Pulp
- Ridgetop
- Spread Eagle
- Tipler
- Tyran
- Alto
- Ashford
- Arcade Acres
- Armstrong
- Artesia Beach
- Banner
- Bergen Beach
- Byron
- Calument Harbor
- Calumetville
- Calvary
- Chinatown
- Dexter
- Dotyville
- Dundee
- Eldorado
- Elmore
- Garnet
- Gladstone Beach
- Graham Corners
- Hamilton
- Highland Park
- Hopokoekau Beach
- Johsburg
- Ladoga
- Laudolff Beach
- Luco
- Malone
- Marblehead
- Marytown
- Metomen
- Minawa Beach
- New Fane
- New Prospect
- Oak Center
- Peebles
- Pipe
- Pukwana Beach
- Rogersville
- Rosendale Center
- St. Joe
- St. Peter
- Silica
- South Byron
- Taycheedah
- Van Dyne
- Waucousta
- Welling Beach
- West Rosendale
- Wilmore Heights
- Winnebago Heights
- Winnebago Park
- Woodhull
- Alvin
- Argonne
- Armstrong Creek
- Atkins
- Blackwell
- Blackwell Junction
- Bonneval
- Carter
- Cavour
- Hiles
- Laona
- Laona Junction
- Mole Lake
- Nashville
- Nelma
- Newald
- Padus
- Popple River
- Soperton
- Wabeno
- Wisconsin Junction
- Woodlawn
- Annaton
- Arthur
- Beetown
- Bigpatch
- British Hollow
- Brodtville
- Buena Vista
- Burton
- Castle Rock
- Centerville
- Cornelia
- Diamond Grove
- Ellenboro
- Elmo
- Fair Play
- Five Points
- Flora Fountain
- Georgetown
- Glen Haven
- Hickory Grove
- Homer
- Hurricane
- Kieler
- Lancaster Junction
- Louisburg
- McCartney
- Millville
- Mount Ida
- North Andover
- Prairie Corners
- Preston
- Rockville
- Rutledge
- Saint Rose
- Sandy Hook
- Shady Dell
- Sinsinawa
- Stitzer
- Union
- Van Buren
- Werley
- Wyalusing
- Attica
- Clarno
- Dayton
- Exeter
- Juda
- Martintown
- Mineral Point
- Postville
- Oakley
- Ross Crossing
- Schneyville
- Schultz
- Steams
- Tyrone
- Twin Grove
- Dalton
- Fairburn
- Forest Glen Beach
- Green Lake Terrace
- Greenwyck
- Indian Hills
- Manchester
- Pleasant Point
- Sandstone Bluff
- Sherwood Forest
- Spring Grove
- Tuleta Hills
- Utley
- Clyde
- Coon Rock
- Edmund
- Helena
- Hyde
- Jonesdale
- Middlebury
- Mifflin
- Moscow
- Pleasant Ridge
- Waldwick
- Wyoming
- Carter
- Cedar
- Germania
- Gurney
- Hoyt
- Iron Belt
- Kimball
- Manitowish
- Mercer
- Pence
- Pine Lake
- Orva
- Powell
- Rouse
- Saxon
- Springstead
- Tyler Forks
- Upson
- Van Buskirk
- Brockway
- Buckholz Corners
- City Point
- Disco
- Franklin
- Hatfield
- Irving
- Lapham Junction
- Levis
- Millston
- North Bend
- North Branch
- Northfield
- Pray
- Price
- Requa
- Sechlerville
- Shamrock
- Spaulding
- Speck Oaks
- Vaudreuil
- Waterbury
- Winnebago Mission
- York
- Aztalan
- Blackhawk Island
- Busseyville
- Carcajou
- Cold Spring
- Concord
- Ebenezer
- Farmington
- Glenn Oaks Beach
- Heath Mills
- Hebron
- Helenville
- Hoopers Mill
- Hubbleton
- Ixonia
- Jefferson Junction
- Koshkonorg (partial)
- Koshkonorg Manor
- Koshkonong Mounds
- Kroghville
- Lake Koshkonong
- Lake Lac La Belle
- Lake Ripley
- London (partial)
- Milford
- North SHore
- Oakland
- Pipersville
- Portland (partial)
- Rome
- Slabtown
- Sylvan Mounts
- Vinnie Ha Ha
- Cloverdale
- Cutler
- Finley
- Indian Heights
- Kelly
- Lemonweir
- Lindina
- Lone Rock
- Mather
- Meadow Valley
- New Miner
- Orange Mill
- Sprague
- Bassett
- Benet Lake
- Berryville
- Brighton
- Camp Lake
- Central Park
- Chapin
- Fox River
- Kellogg's Corners
- Klondike
- Lake Shangrila
- Liberty Corners
- Lily Lake
- New Munster
- Paris
- Powers Lake
- Salem Oaks
- Salem
- Somers
- Trevor
- Voltz Lake
- Wilmont
- Alaska
- Bay View
- Birchwood
- Bolt
- Bruemmerville
- Casco Junction
- Cherneyville
- Clyde
- Curran
- Duvall
- Dyxkesville (partial)
- East Krok
- Ellisville
- Euren
- Frog Station
- Gregorville
- Kodan
- Krok
- Lincoln
- Newren
- Norman
- Pilsen
- Rankin
- Rio Creek
- Rosiere (partial)
- Rostok
- Ryans Corner
- Slovan
- Stangelville
- Thiry Daems
- Tisch Mills (partial)
- Tonet
- Walhain
- Barre Mills
- Brice Prairie (part of the Town of Onalaska and an urban reserve area of the City of Onalaska)
- Burns
- Burns Corners
- Burr Oak
- Council Bay
- French Island
- Medary
- Middle Ridge
- Midway
- Mindoro
- New Amsterdam
- Newberg Corners
- Shelby
- St. Joseph
- Stevenstown
- West La Crosse
- Avon
- Calamine
- Elk Grove
- Etna
- Fayette
- Five Corners
- Ipswitch
- Jenkinsville
- Lamont
- Lead Mine
- Leslie
- Meekers Grove
- New Diggings
- Red Rock
- Riverside
- Seymour Corners
- Slateford
- Strawbridge
- Truman
- White Oak
- Wiota
- Woodford
- Yellowstone
- Bavaria
- Bryant
- Choate
- Deerbrook
- Elcho
- Elmhurst
- Elton
- Four Corners
- Freeman
- Hollister
- Kempster
- Koepenick
- Langlade
- Lily
- Markton
- Neva
- Neva Corners
- Ormsby
- Parrish
- Pearson
- Phiox
- Pickerel
- Polar
- Post Lake
- Sherry Junction
- Summit Lake
- Bloomville
- Bradley
- Bundy
- Clifford (partial)
- Doeing
- Dudley
- Dutch Corners
- Gilbert
- Gleason
- Harrison
- Heafford Junction
- Irma
- Jeffris
- McCord (partial)
- Otis
- Pine River
- Spirit Falls
- Tripoli (partial)
- West Kraft
- Alverno
- Branch
- Cato
- Cato Falls
- Clarks Mills
- Clover
- Collins
- Cooperstown
- Duveneck
- Fisherville
- Grimms
- Hickory Grove
- Kellners Corners
- Kingsbridge
- Larrabee
- Louis Corners
- Madsen
- Maple Grove
- Meeme
- Meggers (partial)
- Melnik
- Menchalville
- Millhome
- Newton
- Newtonburg
- North Grimms
- Northeim
- Osman
- Reifs Mills
- Rockville
- Rockwood
- Rosecrans
- Rube
- School Hill
- Shoto
- Spring Valley
- Steinthal
- Taus
- Tisch Mills (partial)
- Two Creeks
- Wells (partial)
- Zander
- Ashley
- Bradley
- Cherokee
- Corinth
- Dancy
- Emmerich
- Evergreen
- Gad (partial)
- Galloway
- Glandon
- Granite Heights
- Halder
- Hamburg
- Hogarty
- Holt
- Johnson
- Kalinke
- Knowlton
- Little Chicago
- Little Eau Claire
- Little Rose
- Mann
- March Rapids
- McMillan
- Milan
- Moon
- Mount View
- Naugart
- Norrie
- Nutterville
- Pike Lake
- Poniatowski
- Rib Falls
- Rib Mountain
- Ringle
- Rocky Corners
- Rozellville
- Schnappsville
- Snell
- Shantytown
- Sunset
- Swan
- Taegesville
- Weber
- Wien
- Wuertsburg
- Amberg
- Athelstane
- Bagley Junction
- Beaver
- Beecher
- Beecher Lake
- Cedarville
- County Line (partial)
- Dunbar
- Goll
- Goodman
- Harmony
- Loomis
- Kremlin
- McAllister
- May Corner
- Menekaunee
- Middle Inlet
- Miles
- Packard
- Pembine
- Porterfield
- Rubys Corner
- Sweetheart City
- Walsh
- Wagner
- White Pine Haven
- Wilcox
- Briggsville
- Budsin
- Buffalo Shore Estates
- Douglas Center
- Germania
- Glen Oak
- Harrisville
- Lawrence
- Mecan
- Packwaukee
- Keshena (County Seat)
- Keshena Falls
- Legend Lake
- Middle Village (partial)
- Neopit
- Zoar
- There are no Milwaukee County Unincorporated Communities.
- Angelo
- Cataract
- Clifton
- Farmers Valley
- Four Corners
- Glendale
- Jacksonville
- Kirby
- Leon
- Norway Ridge
- Oil City
- Portland
- Raymore
- Ridgeville
- St. Mary's
- Scotts Junction
- Shennington
- Spring Bank Park
- Tunnel City
- Valley Junction
- Clearwater Lake
- Clifford (partial)
- Crescent Corner
- Enterprise
- Gagen
- Goodnow
- Harshaw
- Hazelhurst
- Jennings
- Lake Tomahawk
- Lennox
- Malvern
- McCord
- McNaughton
- Minocqua
- Monico
- Newbold
- Pelican Lake
- Pratt Junction
- Rantz
- Roosevelt
- Sugar Camp
- Starks
- Sunflower
- Three Lakes
- Tripoli (partial)
- Woodboro
- Woodruff
- Apple Creek
- Binghamton
- Center Valley
- Chicago Corners
- Cicero
- Dale
- Darboy
- Five Corners
- Freedom
- Greenville
- Hamples Corner
- Isaar
- Leeman
- Mackville
- Medina
- Murphy Corner
- Oneida
- Sniderville (partial)
- Stephensville
- Sugar Bush
- Twelve Corners
- Decada (partial)
- Decker
- Decker Corner
- Hamilton
- Holy Cross
- Horns Corners
- Knellsville
- Lake Church
- Lakefield
- Little Kohler
- Ulao
- Sauk Trail Beach
- Waubeka
- Arkansaw
- Barry Corner
- Devils Corner
- Ella
- Hawkins Corner
- Lakeport
- Lima
- Lund
- Porcupine
- Tarrant
- Beldenville
- Diamond Bluff
- El Paso
- Esdaile
- Exile
- Hager City
- Hatchville (partial)
- Lawton
- Lund
- Martell
- Moeville
- Morton Corner
- Nerike
- North Red Wing
- Oakridge
- Olivet
- Ono
- Ottman Corners
- Pucketville
- Rock ELm
- Salem
- Smith Landing
- Snows Corner
- Trenton
- Trimbelle
- Vicking (partial)
- Warrentown
- Waverly
- Atlas
- Bunyan
- Clam Falls
- Cushing
- Deronda
- East Farmington
- Eureka Center
- Fox Creek
- Horse Creek
- Indian Creek
- Joel
- Lamar
- Lewis
- Little Falls
- Lykens
- McKinley
- Nye
- Pole Cat Crossing (partial)
- Range
- Richardson
- Sand Lake
- Ubet
- Wanderoos
- West Denmark
- West Sweden
- Wolf Creek
- Alban
- Arnott
- Badger
- Bancroft
- Blaine
- Casimir
- Coddington
- Custer
- Dopp
- Ellis
- Esker
- Fancher
- Garfield
- Heffron (partial)
- Keene
- Kellner (partial)
- Jordan
- Little Waupon
- Meehan
- Mill Creek Community
- New Hope
- North Star
- Peru
- Polonia
- Rocky Run
- Stockton
- Torun
- West Almond
- West Bancroft
- Cranberry Lake
- Clifford (partial)
- Brantwood
- Dover
- Fifield
- Lugerville
- Ogema
- Pennington
- Spirit
- Worcester
- Bohners Lake
- Browns Lake
- Buena Park
- Caldwell
- Cedar park
- Eagle Lake
- Eagle Lake Manor
- Eagle Lake Terrace
- Franksville
- Honey Creek (partial)
- Honey Lake (partial)
- Husher
- Ives Grove
- Kansasville
- North Cape
- Raymond
- Tichigan
- Union Church
- Wind Lake
- Yorkville
- Ash Ridge
- Aubrey
- Balmoral
- Basswood
- Bear Valley
- Bloom City
- Bosstown
- Buck Creek
- Bunker Hill
- Byrds Creek
- Eagle Corners
- Excelsior
- Germantown
- Gillingham
- Gotham
- Hub City
- Ithaca
- Jimtown
- Keyesville
- Loyd
- Neptunr
- Nevels Corners
- Port Andrew
- Rockbridge
- Sabin
- Sand Prairie
- Sextonville
- SylvanTavera
- Tunnelville (partial)
- Twin Bluffs
- West Lima
- Westport
- Wild Rose
- Woodstock
- Apollonia
- Bear Lake
- Imalone
- Island Lake
- Murry
- Port Arthur
- South Fork
- Strickland
- Thornapple
- Boardman
- Burkhardt
- Burkhardt Station
- Centerville
- Cylon
- Dahl
- Erin Corner
- Emerald
- Forest
- Glover
- Hatchville (partial)
- Hersey
- Houlton
- Huntington
- Jewett
- Johannesburg
- Northline
- Palmer
- Sono Junction
- Slanton
- Viking (partial)
- Wildwood
- Black Hauk
- Bluffview
- Cassell
- Crawford Crossing
- Dellwood
- Denzer
- Greens Corners
- Hill Point
- La Rue
- Lake Wisconsin
- Leland
- Loddes Mill
- Loreta
- Moon Valley
- Sendusky
- Valton
- Witwen
- Chief Lake
- Draper
- Edgewater
- Hauer
- Hay Stack Corner
- Lemington
- Little Round Lake
- Loretta
- Meteor
- New Post
- Northwoods beach
- Ojibwa
- Oxbo
- Phipps
- Reserve
- Seeley
- Stone Lake (partial)
- Weigor
- Wooddale
- Yarnell
- Adams Beach
- Advance
- Almon
- Angelica
- Belle Plaine
- Briarton
- Caroline
- Five Corners
- Frazer Corners
- Green Valley
- Hofa Park
- Hunting
- Krakow
- Landstad
- Laney
- Leopolis
- Lunds
- Lyndhurst
- Middle Village (partial)
- Morgan
- Navarino
- Pella
- Pittsfield (partial)
- Pulcifer
- Red River
- Regina
- Rose Lawn
- Shepley
- Slab City
- Split Rock
- Thornton
- Tileda
- Whitcomb
- Zachow
- Ada
- Batavia
- Beechwood
- Cranberry Marsh
- Edwards
- Franklin
- German Corners
- Gibbsville
- Greenbush
- Gooseville
- Haven
- Hayen
- Hingham
- Hulls Crossing
- Idlewood Beach
- Johnsonville
- Mosel
- New Paris
- Ourtown
- Parnell
- Rhine Center
- St. Anna (partial)
- Silver Creek
- Weedens
- Bellinger
- Chelsea
- Donald
- Gad (partial)
- Goodrich
- Hannibal
- Hugbey
- Interwald
- Jump RIver
- Little Black
- Maplehurst
- Murat
- Perkinstown
- Polley
- Queenstown
- Westboro
- Whittlesey
- Beaches Corners
- Butman Corners
- Chapultepee
- Centerville
- Coral City
- Dewey Corners
- Dodge
- Elk Creek
- Frenchville
- Hale
- Hegg
- Iduna
- North Creek
- Pine Creek
- Pleasantville
- Russell
- Tamarack
- Upper French Creek
- West Prairie
- Wrights Corners
- Avalanche
- Bloomingdale
- Bud
- Dily
- Esofea
- Fargo
- Folsom
- Greenwood
- Kickapoo Center
- Liberty
- Liberty Pole
- Mount Tabor
- Newry
- Newton
- Pleasant Valley
- Purdy
- Red Mound
- Retreat
- Rockton
- Romance
- Ross
- Springville
- Sugar Grove
- Trippville
- Tunnelville (partial)
- Valley
- Victory
- West Prairie
- White City
- Arbor Vitae
- Boulder Junction
- Conover
- Katinka Village
- Lac du Flambeau
- Land O' Lakes
- Manitowish Waters
- Marlands
- Phelps
- Presque Isle
- Sayner
- St. Germain
- Star Lake
- Winchester
- Abells Corners
- Adams
- Allen's Grove
- Bardwell
- Big Foot Prairie (partial)
- Bowers
- Como
- Delavan Lake
- East Delavan
- Fairfield (partial)
- Heart Prairie
- Hilburn
- Honey Creek
- Honey Lake (partial)
- Inlet
- La Grange
- Lake Beulah
- Lake Como
- Lake Ivanhoe
- Lake Lawn
- Lake Lorraine
- Lauderdale
- Lauderdale Lakes
- Lauderdale Shores
- Linton
- Little Prairie
- Lyons
- Millard
- North Bloomfield
- Pell Lake
- Potter Lake
- Powers Lake
- Richmond
- Spring Prairie
- Springfield
- Tibbets
- Troy
- Troy Center
- Turtle Lake
- Voree
- Zenda
- Beaver Brook
- Chicago Junction
- Chittamo
- Earl
- Lampson
- Madge
- Nobleton
- Sarona
- Springbrook
- Stanberry
- Stone Lake (part)
- Trego
- Ackerville
- Addison
- Allenton
- Aurora
- Boltonville
- Cedar Creek
- Cedar Lake
- Cheeseville
- Colgate
- Diefenbach Corners
- Fillmore
- Hubertus
- Kirchhayn
- Kohlsville
- Mayfield
- Myra
- Nenno
- Nabob
- Orchard Grove
- Pike Lake
- Pleasant Hill
- Rockfield
- Rugby Junction
- Saint Anthony
- Saint Lawrence
- Saint Michaels
- Thompson
- Victory Center
- Wayne
- Young America
- Bethesda
- Buena Vista
- Camp Whitcomb
- Colgate
- Eagleville
- Genesee Depot
- Goeke's Corners
- Guthrie
- Jericho
- Lake Five
- Mapleton
- Monches
- Monterey
- North Lake
- Okauchee Lake
- Ottawa
- Saylesville
- Stone Bank
- Summit Center
- Summit Corners
- Vernon
- Baldwins Mill
- Bear Creak Corners
- Buckbee
- Carmel
- Chain O' Lakes
- Cobb Town
- Evanswood
- Gills Landing
- Hunting (partial)
- King
- Lind Center
- Little Hope
- Nicholson
- North Readfield
- Northland
- Northport
- Norske
- Ostrander
- Parfreyville
- Readfield
- Red Banks
- Royalton
- Rual
- Shaw Landing
- Sheidan
- Schmidt Corner
- Symco
- Auroraville
- Bannerman
- Borth
- Brushville
- Dakota
- Fountain Valley
- Heffron (partial)
- Metz (partial)
- Mount Morris
- Pine River
- Poy Sippi
- Richford
- Silver Lake
- Spring Lake
- Tustin
- West Bloomfield
- Adella Beach
- Allenville
- Black Wolf
- Black Wolf Point
- Butte des Morts
- Clarks Point
- Decorah Beach Elo
- Eureka
- Fairview Beach
- Fisk
- Fitzgerald
- Harbor Springs
- Highland Shore
- Indian Shores
- Island Park
- Larsen
- Lasleys Point
- Leonards Point
- Little Point
- Koro
- Medina Junction
- Melrose Park
- Metz (partial)
- Mikesville
- Minden
- Nichols Shore Acres
- Oakwood
- Orihula
- Paukotuk
- Piacenza
- Pickett
- Plummer Point
- Point Comfort
- Reighmoor
- Ricker Bay
- Ring
- RIvermoor
- Rush Lake
- Shangri La Point
- Snells
- Sunrise Bay
- Waukau
- Waverly Beach (partial)
- Winchester
- Winnebago
- Zion
- Zittau
- Babcock
- Bakerville
- Bethel
- Blenker
- Cranmoor
- Dexterville
- Eight Corners
- Keliner (partial)
- Lake Wazeecha
- Lindsey
- Nasonville
- Sherry
- Veedum
- Walker